Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Friday - April 22, 2016

Peiper Update

I just got off the phone with Jen.

Jay was released from the big hospital to a local rehab center, but was there for only a day and a half before he had to go back. I gather he needed a few more tubes stuck in him for proper drainage or irrigation or some such.

Poor old Peiper is NOT a happy camper right now, but it sounds like he is mentally alert and in stable but serious condition.

That’s all I have.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/22/2016 at 10:43 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - April 19, 2016

flower power

We’re having a very confused Spring here after our oddball winter. Everything is opening at once, and everything is opening early.

So here are a few pictures of the paring lot garden, with nearly everything in bloom at once. I went out of my way to put in bulbs that would open and grow are various times, so that the whole place would have something blooming from April to October. Alas, not this year.




So you can see just how far I got with things last year. It’s still pretty raw. I haven’t laid down any mulch, I haven’t even raked the area out, I didn’t get rid of all those stones I sifted out. And now I’ve got a litter of kittens living under what’s left of the pallet of soil. Right. Well, it will get better. And there will be a nice strip across the front with annuals. And some lilies off on the right side. And so on. And so on. I’m giving myself a couple of seasons to get it squared away; I’m no professional gardener.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/19/2016 at 11:24 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - April 17, 2016

Turtler’s Game Corner: UFO Alien Invasion

After about half a month of preparing for moving, working on a few odd jobs, and getting school in order, I can finally come back and hack out a post on here. Well, thanks for holding down the fort Drew. Life has kind of been a bugger for me lately, though I should be thankful it is still better than many. Please keep your prayers and thoughts with Peiper and his wife.

I know there are dozens of things happening in the wider world for me to talk about, but right now it’s the start of a new week and I just want to catch my breath, kick back, and Relaaaax! So when I sat down I realized I wanted to make a post about something I enjoy doing in my off time, and which some of you might be able to enjoy doing as well. But which is still at least a little bit topical to the hell-in-a-handbasket way of the real world.

So without Further ado, allow me to present you with....



Ok, more specifically the explosions- and everything else- in a little thing called UFO: Alien Invasion. Some of you might have heard of it before, some of you might have played it before. But I figure that there are probably at least a few other videogamers out here who would enjoy it, and that in a time like this at least a few people who aren’t that would be able to appreciate it..

I figure the best way to introduce it would be to give a

It is the year 2084. You control a secret organisation charged with defending Earth from a brutal alien enemy. Build up your bases, prepare your team, and dive head-first into the fast and flowing turn-based combat.

UFO: Alien Invasion is a squad-based tactical strategy game in the tradition of the old X-COM PC games, but with a twist. Our game combines military realism with hard science-fiction and the weirdness of an alien invasion. The carefully constructed turn-based system gives you pin-point control of your squad while maintaining a sense of pace and danger.

Over the long term you will need to conduct research into the alien threat to figure out their mysterious goals and use their powerful weapons for your own ends. You will produce unique items and use them in combat against your enemies. If you like, you can even use them against your friends with our multiplayer functionality.

UFO: Alien Invasion. Endless hours of gameplay — absolutely free.

Yeah, you read that right… UFO: Alien Invasion is ABSOLUTELY FREE. It costs exactly NO MONIES. NADA. GOOSE EGG. You can (and I’d suggest should) download it from here:

I’d probably have to rate this game as one of the real gems you can find online if you like strategy and tactics. It isn’t the newest thing in the batch and it doesn’t look like a modern Triple A title- though I do think it looks good in its’ old way, and the globe is breathtaking.

(Yes, this is what it really looks like in gameplay.. and this still doesn’t really do it justice compared to how it Moves.).

But what really makes it sparkle is the sheer *Depth.* There is an awful lot of depth to the game, from being on the worldview map deciding where to place bases like you’re a command in chief pointing at a map, taking emails, and tracking allied and friendly aircraft. To being down on a base managing what it researches or builds, to probably the heart of the game: meeting the enemy on the ground, where your squad and theirs fights it out for the future of a world one turn at a time. All the while trying to keep your coalition above water and close the tech gap.

The storytelling is also pretty good. The backstory lore is… probably average to above average, with the world of 2083 being a rather peaceful, idyllic place where super-nations and federations live in relative peace and increasing prosperity and freedom, even for places like the Middle East. The actual backstory I’d say is hit and miss with a few liberal buzzwords thrown around but nothing that offensive (unless you figure working with the UN is offensive in and of itself.... and by the off chance you DON’T playing politics with your funding nations will swiftly change your mind). On the whole I’d probably say there are some things that come across as incredibly optimistic or off tone, but others that sound incredibly prescient (like what happened to the US because of reckless deficit spending and China’s totalitarian expansionism before it fell). But I’d probably say that it comes across mostly like they wanted to establish one big happy world to juxtapose it against the coming darkness.

But the actual story over the game is quite good and (from what I’ve been told and can figure out) relatively scientifically sound (or “hard") as far as Sci-Fi goes. Don’t expect the enemy to let you get complacent, because there will be a lot of twists and turns before the end, and it’s obviously where most of the lore attention and juicy technological red meat went into. And wisely so!

So, I’d highly suggest you give it a try, for something that *might* have you coming back a lot.

Now, I’ve tries to explain why I like this. But what makes it topical?

Well, this game- and ones like it- is probably one of the great anti-terrorist epics in recent game history.

Yeah, you heard me right. Because while the enemy are aliens and the game is set in a relatively utopian world (again, including the MENA, Africa, and Asia...), the means and messages are far more down to Earth than Angela Merkel is. You see, the enemy you face are terrorists in how they act and behave, they just happen to be aliens terrorizing the Human Race. You’re going to be facing an enemy that will spend much of its’ time dropping violent squads in cities, indiscriminately murdering whoever they can before trying to get out just as suddenly as they struck. Trying to identify and pre-empt these attacks and strike at the heart of those waging murderous war on you is the heart of the game. And it will not be an easy one, because this will be a rather long war and all the while you will have to keep a weak kneed public and their politicians from losing their cool and simply surrendering to the terror, and yourself from being wiped out by attrition against an enemy that seems to have no trouble replacing its’ cannonfodder.

Yeah, that’s not familiar at alllllll....

In a way, it’s a chance to spend some hours away in the kind of position that you might dream of. Or have nightmares of. The chance to lead a combined, international fight to understand and destroy an enemy that endangers everyone and seeks to shape the world in its’ image. To make the calls and avoid the mistakes that Merkel/Obummer/InsertNameHere has. But at the same time that means that you will have nobody to blame more for defeat than yourself.

So hope you guys enjoy. If things like this are popular enough, I might make these kinds of “Free Game Spotlights” a semi-regular feature. >/br>

I’ll probably will try and get more posts after a day or so. But until then, I’ll be killing some digital terrorists of the human and alien varieties.... 

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 04/17/2016 at 02:18 PM   
Filed Under: • Amazing Science and DiscoveriesFun-StuffInternationalMilitaryScience-TechnologySelf-DefenseTerroristsWar On TerrorWar-Stories •  
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must be spring break

beats me where all the posters have gone. I thought I had three helpers there for a bit.

Ah well. It’s not like I have been spending much time here lately. It isn’t a case of writer’s block, or even one of boredom. Well, boredom with politics and world events, maybe. But not with the old blog, per se.

No new word from Jen, so I guess Peiper continues to recover in hospital. Poor guy. Let’s hope there’s no lasting brain damage. And I STILL haven’t written him. I am the worst friend evah.

Right. Things are looking better for my mother and brother ... there’s an awesome story there that’s been going on for the past couple of months, but it’s theirs to tell or not. But it’s awesome, and even has explosions in it.

Kitteh keeps having her little seizures, so she’s up to a half pill in the morning and another half at night. Poor Dizzy.

My gardens are waking up with vigor. The daffys are up and roaring, and the tulips aren’t far behind. Hyacinths are all fat and happy and aromatic. Sweet. No deer damage this year, hurray!! Crocuses are out, although smaller than I expected. I think even the lilies are sending up fronds all over. But the “super tough” Russian bush didn’t make it through the winter, and I’m not seeing any growth at all yet on the ornamental grasses. But hey, it’s still early in the season. I’ve got to get out there and do some weeding, haul some more rocks away, lay down some more mulch, and dig out the front strip of dirt and replace it with straight up black topsoil to build the bed for the summer annuals. And I can see how my impatiens bed was used as a litter pan all winter long by the patio cats. Maybe I’ll just drop a couple bags of fresh soil over that and plant from there, instead of digging around in the poop pit with my hands. Thanks kittehs. Thanks a lot. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/17/2016 at 09:15 AM   
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calendar   Friday - April 15, 2016

ginger abuse


You, you redheaded step-child, you are IMPERFECT


Dating site is pulling an ad campaign after receiving a barrage of complaints for suggesting red hair and freckles are “imperfections.”

The posters, which sprung up in London tube and train stations Monday, featured a freckly red-haired girl with the caption: “If you don’t like your imperfections, someone else will.”, part of the Match Group (MTCH) that also owns Tinder, issued a public apology but only after members of the public took to twitter to voice their outrage.

Londoner Carrie Hill said: “Perhaps I’m a secret leopard. Or maybe they’re coordinates. But my freckles are certainly not ‘imperfections’.”

Chloe Vinden from South Wales: “Proud to have #freckles, not #imperfections.”

In a statement, said the campaign was misunderstood.

Sure, sure, a million reds can hate their freckles and piss and moan about them, but if you, oh pale one, say one negative word they’ll circle the wagons and gun you down like a rabid dog.

Me? Well, I’ve got my own dynamic standards. A little or a lot. It all depends. But only on the fire touched. Doesn’t work for diddly on brunettes. And only slightly on blondes. Basically, I can say only one thing:

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/15/2016 at 08:57 AM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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calendar   Thursday - April 14, 2016

bears watching

We are under a Bear Warning here.

Not that we’re supposed to run around warning bears ... or of what we’re supposed to warn them, I have no idea.

Just a warning that they are up and about, and have been busting up people’s garbage cans in the homes on the other side of Rupell’s Road. So keep an eye out.


Another exciting moment from Life In The (nearly) Country.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/14/2016 at 11:29 PM   
Filed Under: • AnimalsDaily Life •  
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taxes done yet?

The April 15 deadline is looming!


See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/14/2016 at 11:33 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - April 12, 2016

any excuse will do

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day !!!


It’s true! It really is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day! [ and, while I would not combine the two, but to each his own, it is also National Licorice Day* ]

Some say the stately “GCS” had it’s roots in ancient Rome. Others say it didn’t really come about until factory sliced bread was widely available. Others have odd ideas about making them, using the toaster or the microwave. And the debate over the cheese is endless: Pre-sliced American, thinly sliced Cheddar, hey maybe let’s try Swiss, and let’s do pumpernickel instead of white bread. Still others just can’t resist temptation and have to add things, like tomato slices, bits of hot peppers or green peppers, various seasoning. And then there are those glassy eyed frightening types ... like this girl ...


who would probably spread store-brand Cheeze Wizz on raw bread and call it done. And then go on a killing spree. With serrated knives and peanut butter.

My way is my mom’s way, mostly.  You start with getting the butter out an hour ahead of time. Then you open up a loaf of a good quality white bread, like Arnold. None of this fluffy spongy stuff like Wonder. Heat the griddle gently to a low-medium heat, and lightly butter the outside of two slices of bread. A quick wipe of mayonnaise on the inside, and each slice of bread gets one slice of yellow American cheese. The real stuff from the deli if you can afford it, Borden’s from the dairy aisle if you can’t. Butter side down into the pan, and let them cook. In a couple of minutes use a metal spatula to peek underneath; nicely browned but not scorched is what you want. The cheese has melted by now, so drop on any additions, like two thin slices of a ripe tomato, drained and dried on paper towels. This is one time to avoid the bacon, because we’re not making BLTs with cheese. Let the cheese have it’s day. Don’t even add Bacos. Not today. A little ham slice is Ok.

Flip the two slices together, cut on the diagonal, and serve with a bunch of chips and a nice hot bowl of Campbell’s Cream of Tomato soup. Made with whole milk of course, not 2%, and not 1/2 water, 1/2 milk. All milk. Hey, might as well pour a fresh cold glass of milk to go along with it. Sit and eat, and for 10 minutes you can be 7 again. Now, sit up straight and don’t let me catch you feeding the dog any of those chips.

* A note to Licorice Day celebrants: If it ain’t black, it ain’t licorice. You’re not fooling anyone with that red crap, especially not today. Anise extract, licorice root, molasses. No artificial strawberry anything. That’s rubber candy whips, not licorice.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/12/2016 at 12:01 AM   
Filed Under: • Fine-DiningHolidays •  
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calendar   Monday - April 11, 2016

spring groove

Looks like today is shaping up to be a perfect early Spring day. Excellent.

A memory floats up out of the deep past ... baked to the edge, spending sunny afternoons just groovin’ in the light with friends. All freedom, no responsibilities. Just reveling in the glorious aura of youth, without even realizing it. We were beings of pure light and energy, indestructible, blameless, and certain the future was ours to grab and shape and bend the world around us. And it would be easy. And why not, since our horizons ended just past our fingertips. Troubles, news, and politics were what happened on our parent’s TV. Personal stimulus was what mattered. Music was vastly important. Even if the lyrics were mean or nasty; as long as the beat was there it was awesome. Make it louder!! Playing sports. Mud and sweat. Getting wasted. Driving fast. Dancing to the new sound. Donna I Wanna in those little denim cut-offs and a tank top two sizes too small, standing up to rock out in a convertible flying down the highway, her waist length raven hair streaming out behind her like the flag of sexuality it was. Spring!

I can’t count how many lifetimes ago that was.

I got some sensory stimulus today. Turned off the heat, opened the windows, cranked up the stereo. I realized we’ve hardly played the Big Rig since we’ve had these cats. And on the rare times we did, it was at a very mellow level. Kittehs got a dose of Rock today. They’re hiding under the bed at the other end of the condo.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/11/2016 at 12:19 PM   
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too cool

Meh. Not quite a gentle Spring morning. More like dank, chill, and clammy. Which means I’ll have to wear the big wool socks and the 10 ton Polartec lined jeans to work. But I refuse to wear that friggin’ parka any longer. No no no, Winter is over. OVER, do you hear me???

Thank goodness I have a pair of mittens sent from the UK. No, no word on Peiper yet. I’m just going to have to sit down and write him. At least I’ve finally figured out a one liner for his condition, which ought to get some reaction.

Ack. Crap. And it’s time to finish off doing the taxes. I hates doing taxes. But I refuse to pay some schlub to do them for me, at least not until my assets are worth more than a million. Which will be about ... 400 years I think.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/11/2016 at 05:43 AM   
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Keep your eyes on the road, Your hands upon the wheel

New Jersey has these little light up message boards along the highways. They post traffic and weather conditions, Silver Alerts (ie misplaced senior citizens), and various safety reminders.

The one I saw yesterday was cute, reminding people that it’s against the law here to text while driving:




I was going to use my cell phone to take a picture and then find a floating hotspot to upload it to Twitter, but hey, the law and all.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/11/2016 at 05:36 AM   
Filed Under: • Humor •  
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calendar   Saturday - April 09, 2016

UK Grooming Gang Gets Moderate Sentence

Muslim Rape Gang in UK gets 125 Years Behind Bars

Prior to arrests, police, school officials, and social workers ignored 127 complaints to their existence

Asian child sex gang who included a bus driver who met victims as he took them home from school in Rochdale are jailed for total of 125 years

* Main victim in the shocking case was a white girl with learning difficulties

* She was repeatedly groomed for sex from the age of 14 by a group of men

* Judge paid tribute to her bravery today as he handed out long sentences

* Public gallery broke into applause as judge gave one man 25-year term

Ten men have been jailed for a total of more than 125 years for sexual offences against eight girls and women in Rochdale.

They included Afraz Ahmed, a former bus driver who picked up two of his young victims from school and offered them free tickets.

He was originally questioned in 2006 but a decision was made not to prosecute him after he claimed the girls’ complaints against him were racially motivated.

The public gallery broke into applause today when Ahmed was handed a 25-year sentence.

The main victim in the case was white and had learning difficulties. She was said by prosecutors to be an ‘extremely vulnerable young woman’ who had endured ‘a very difficult home life’.

She walked into a police station after media coverage of the 2012 convictions of a number of Asian defendants for grooming white girls for sex in the town.

She told officers that from the age of 14 she too had been repeatedly sexually groomed by a large number of men in Rochdale.

The main victim in the case said that ‘hundreds’ of men would ring her up, wanting her to go out and have sex with them, during the time she was groomed.

image  image

pure evil: faces only a hangman could love. Two of the perps from the grooming rape gang

Former bus driver Ahmed, 33, of Rochdale, was found guilty of various sexual offences, including rape, conspiracy to rape and sexual activity with a child, in relation to five underage victims.

While working as a bus driver, Ahmed, then aged in his early 20s, spoke to his schoolgirl victims in a ‘highly inappropriate manner’, the court heard. He asked if one of them had a boyfriend and seemingly offered them free bus tickets.

The judge told Ahmed: ‘You objectivised your vulnerable victims so you could exploit them for your own sexual desire.’

Mohammed Zahid of Rochdale, got five years. Mahfuz Rahman was jailed for five-and-a-half years

On-the-run Choudry Hussein, 38, formerly of Rochdale, was jailed for 19 years in his absence for rape, sexual activity with a child and conspiracy to rape.

He is believed to be currently in Pakistan after he absconded during his trial.

Rehan Ali, 27, of Blackley, was imprisoned for seven years and Kutab Miah, 35, of Rochdale, for nine years after both were found guilty of rape and sexual activity with a child.

Abid Khan, 39, of Liverpool, was jailed for six-and-a-half years and Mohammed Zahid, 55, of Rochdale, for five years after both were found guilty of sexual activity with a child.

Mohammed Dauood, 38, of Burnley, was jailed for 16 years after he was convicted of offences in relation to two victims including rape, sexual activity with a child and sexual assault.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of other grooming gangs exist across the UK and have been operating with impunity for decades. Most of the comments on the news article feel the sentences were a joke; give the perps 125 years each or better yet just hang ‘em. And nothing ... NOTHING ... is being done to punish or even re-educate the PC-dominated police and other public servants who allowed this to continue for years by ignoring and disbelieving more than 125 tip-offs and complaints about the groomers. Give them the rope too!

Sorry, no new word on Peiper’s condition, but no news is good news. So I did a UK piece for him.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/09/2016 at 11:09 AM   
Filed Under: • RoPMAUK •  
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calendar   Wednesday - April 06, 2016

rabbit’s busy day

Crivens, I’ve been going at it since 5:30 this morning.

I put in plenty of extra hours at work. I baked. Kitchen is all nice and clean. Laundry is done. Cats fed. Bruiser - the Beast In The Backyard - yelled at and chased away. Evil rapist murdering bastard. One of these days cat, your face and my baseball bat. Home run!

I even called the vet at home because poor Dizzy suddenly has anisocoria. Ann-eye-so-core-ree-ah. Which means the pupil of one eye is much more constricted than the pupil in her other eye. Which is probably a symptom of her neurological condition, brain tumor or whatever. Poor kitteh. Looks like she’s going to have to go to RedBank Veterinary Hospital for an MRI after all. We’re giving her the best life we can, but somehow I don’t think she’s going to be one of those “lived to a ripe old age of 27” cats. Sadly, I wonder if she’ll make it to 2. Or even 1. I can’t let a kitten suffer through a growing brain tumor, and there’s no way we’re going to pay for that kind of surgery.

Recycling out. Check. Garbage out? Rats. There’s always one thing, right? Tomorrow.

E. Nuff. Good night.

OH FUDGE --- Merle Haggard died. Aww. And on his own 79th birthday too. We’ll miss ya Merle!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/06/2016 at 10:41 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - April 05, 2016

double bagger

I went to the grocery store a couple of weeks ago to pick up some stuff.

“Did you get kibble for the outside cats? We’re starting to run low.”

“Um, no. Guess I forgot.”


I went to the grocery store a week and a half ago to pick up some stuff. Hey, the store is around the corner, so we go at least 4 times a week.

“Did you get kibble for the outside cats? We’re running low.”

“Um, no. Guess I forgot. Again.”


I went to the grocery store a week ago to pick up some stuff.

“Did you get kibble for the outside cats? We’re running almost out.”

“Damn. I knew there was one thing I missed.”


I went to the grocery store a few days ago to pick up some stuff.

“Did you get kibble for the outside cats? We’re out.”

“Noooo. I’ll get it next time. We’ll give them regular kibble for a couple days.”


I went to the grocery store today t pick up some stuff. I found a really good sale price on the 5 flavor Friskies, and bought a massive 22lb bag. Huge, although I’m old enough to know that it used to be a 25lb bag, and that gave me the “downsized again” grumpies. But 22lbs will hold the little beggars for a couple months, right?

She comes home a bit later than expected.

“I got kibble for the outside cats. I got a huge bag of Friskies on sale because you always forget.”

“Um, so did I.”

So now we have 44 pounds of cat chow in the hall closet. That should probably last until Christmas. One good thing about ferals: they’re too close to reality to ever be finicky about food. If they can swallow it, they’ll eat it, and come back for more.

Our “patio cats” have the thickest glossiest coats. Well muscled, bright eyes, good solid bodies. For “wild animals” they’re pampered pretty well.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/05/2016 at 09:41 PM   
Filed Under: • AnimalsCat Blogging •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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